Taboo Trades
Taboo Trades
Paintings & Prostitutes with Stephen Clowney
My guest today is the always interesting and funny Steve Clowney, a professor of law at the University of Arkansas. He has also worked as a legal consultant in Hawaii, a college admissions officer, and a gravedigger. His main areas of research include zoning regulations, monuments, the history of cities, handwritten wills, and the presence of violence in informal property systems. He joins us today to discuss a paper that I’ve long admired, Does Commodification Corrupt: Lessons From Paintings And Prostitutes, published in the Seton Hall Law Review.
Reading list:
Clowney Bio
Clowney, Nationalize Zoning, 72 Kan. L. Rev. (forthcoming) (symposium essay).
Clowney, Do Rural Places Matter?, 57 Conn. L. Rev. 1 (forthcoming).
Clowney, Anonymous Statues: An Empirical Study of Monuments in One American Neighborhood, 71 Wash. U. J.L. & Pol'y 35 (2023) (symposium essay).
Clowney, The White Houses? An Empirical Study of Segregation in the Greek System, 41 Yale L. & Pol'y Rev. 151 (2023).
Clowney, Sororities as Confederate Monuments, 105 Ky. L.J. 617 (2020) (symposium essay).
Clowney, Does Commodification Corrupt: Lessons From Paintings and Prostitutes, 50 Seton Hal L. Rev. 1005 (2020).
Clowney, Should We Buy Selling Sovereignty, 66 Duke L.J. Online 19 (2017).
Krawiec Bio
Krawiec, Markets, repugnance, and externalities, Journal of Institutional Economics 1–12 (2023).
Krawiec, No Money Allowed, 2022 University of Chicago Legal Forum 221–240 (2022).